Friday, September 24, 2010

For the beginning of my expedition blog, I present to you

The Journed
24 to 26 September 2010

For the entire region of Quebec, a large variety of events will occur to raise awareness about the importance of culture. Days of Culture has been celebrated annually on the last Friday of September and continues for two days given by the Assembly of Quebec. "I gives me the culture! details of this celebration in their own territory of Quebec for their second year."
The big event is for society to participate and share what culture means to them.

"Days of Culture celebrates the contribution of arts and heritage, diversity and creativity in the development of our societies." Many artists and entertainment can be enjoyed every effort to keep the awareness living culture in Quebec. More than five hundred events are held each day with photographers capture the perspective of every citizen. The pictures are in a gallery on the web. The festival is a weekend deal to expose the incredible talent and creativity of society can offer Quebec.

Video YouTube

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